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August 11, 2007



Well said! Not to be funny.

I have also commented on the top 35 rule.

Not sure how true this is, but I think by 3 p.m. (qualifying time) or shortly after the rain had stopped and the sky was letting the sun through.

And narrowed minded me did not even think of think of Saturday qualifying. WHY COULDN'T they do that.

Maybe NASCAR is as narrow minded as myself :) TUNNEL VISION!

On another note...something really cool happened.

Kodak got ahold of me. A REP form Kodak found my blog and contacted me about giving away 10 FREE tickets to Fontana on Sept 2nd. I was thrilled. Totally excited that I got contacted about this.

So I am doing it. Giving away 5 pairs of tickets in a little contest. If want to read about it..just look at the ...

STOP AND READ at the top of my page.

More excited about being contacted than actually giving tickets away :)

robert bourne

Amen on the qualifying and the top35 fiasco...Everyone has been beating this drum for awhile but it seems to fall on deaf ears..just setting the non top 35ers aside and letting them qualify together would help a little but they can't even do that....The death knell is sounding for the small teams and anyone new who wants to come into the sport..Daytona Beach is waffling because of pressure from the big established teams who don't want the status quo upset....this is cutting off the life blood of the sport new and fresh people ..without the Boris Saids of the sport it will stagnate..others like Morgan -Mclure will die on the vine...

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