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August 04, 2007



minimum 5 race ban for exhibiting classic signs of road rage on a race track. Yuo would get jail for it on a public road. what a wanker

Bob (aka 4ever3)

Go to my site for my opinion of the snot nosed little boy's behaviour - it is much too long to be posted here.

robert bourne

well I posted my thoughts on the subject on my site..great talent who shoots himself in the foot because of his temper...never flip the bird to the cop who just gave you a ticket..you lose every time...


Robby says he ignored the black flags in order to draw attention to the fact that NASCAR made a mistake in slotting him 13th. He certainly did draw attention. I'll wait until Wednesday to see if NASCAR "death penaties" him or not. If they don't, it's like admitting he's correct.


if this had been jeff g. jr. or dumb ass stewart would the fine be the same. I THINK NOT


what a loser. If you can't win on talet, then cheat? How is it this idiot still has a ride/sponser???


ride? easy--he owns his car. sponsor?--thats been a struggle at times.

But what about the "peace offering" he sent to Marcos? Marcos will attempt to qualify a Robby Gordon Motorsports #77 Camping World Ford at the Glen.

Now THAT says it all.

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