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September 03, 2007


robert bourne

1 -yes they might make it but it will be more of a struggle..TRD needs to bring their motor program up to snuff ..JGR will be a help there...

2-they did at Lowes a few years ago during levigate..so why not here...

3-Most definitely..Ginn is a perfect example of what can happen..this trend is not a good thing....I will restrain myself from leaping on to the soapbox here....


You can't compare athletes from different eras.. to many variables.......


The Buzz: Yes they are better athletes (for the most part), but what is more important is that we also have better knowledge on how the body works, so drivers 'hydrate' before the race (ever hear about that in the 60's?) and know what kinds of food to eat prior to the race that will give them the energy they need for any particular racing environment.

1) It won't make them any worse that is for sure, but I don't see a Toyota winning the Championship next year either. You've got to learn how to walk before you can run, and right now Toyota is still crawling - they'll be walking pretty good next year, but I don't think they'll be at a full sprint by the end of the season - maybe a light jog.

2) Yes! If they bought out safer barriers and the CoT to protect drivers then they should also enforce tire pressures. The tires are the only thing in contact with the track and if they don't work properly then you are crashing. You can have all of the best equipment in and on the car (performance, saftety or otherwise) and it don't mean poop if the tires fail.

3)I don't think so, but it might change some of the time lines for any further announcements/plans by DEI for the 8 car - DEI maybe even put other drivers in the 8 car if Dale doesn't get into the Chase to get a head start on 2008.


oops skipped one,

Car ownership: yes there should be, not for tradition but for stability in the sport. There should be certain guidelines outlining a process for which people can purchase a team, or part of a team. Most professional sport organizations (ie NFL, NHL) have guidelines in place to protect the league from poor ownership (ie. bankrupcy, etc.)and NASCAR should be no different. This probably would have stopped a whole lot of team owners from comming in, dropping a ton of cash - milking the system in the process - and then close up shop leaving drivers, employees, and fans hanging. This hurts the sport any way you look at it.

Good questions this week.


Athletes probably are better, but there is also better knowledge and technology about heat exhaustion, carbon monoxide poisoning and dehydration.

1. I don't think the switch hurts in 2007. At this point I would think teams won't see significant improvements or regressions Gibbs has been near the top this year and will stay there through the Chase.
2. Eh, I don't know.
3. There should always be concern, but it's not a franchise situation. It's not like Joe Gibbs was a racing guy prior to entering NASCAR. Plus, if NASCAR is serious about diversity then they have to look beyond tradition.
4. Yes, they will say 2-time Chase driver in the press release.

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