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November 11, 2007



I agree with you 100% on this. In addition, they should do away with the champion's provisional. If NASCAR could do away with provisionals, except in the non-points events, there would be no more point swapping or Paul Menards.

robert bourne

Good luck with that..I have been beating that drum so long my arms are about worn out...Your talking to someone who can't even institute a change to have the non top35 qualify together so they have the same track conditions and a level playing field somewhat...The top 35 rule will not go unless there is franchising..the Roush's of the world have Daytona Beach in an armlock on that and they aren't going to ease the pressure...Mr france doesn't have the moxie of his father or grandfather...nuff said..


I just keep believing that if enough is written about this deal--somehow, someway someone (not-Bill)will see the light.

It is a good thing that Big-Bill and Little-Bill aren't around to see what Not-Bill is doing to their sport.


Meanwhile - start 46 or 47 cars.

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