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November 30, 2007



It was fun while it lasted. Thanks for doing it.


Good job while it lasted. As I said, I loved Mystey Science Theatre 3000, and the commentary was a lot like that.
Jeff Gordon is letting his personality show. What's this world coming to? At least it will take some pressure off of Tony Stewart.
The plugs were all great, staying in step with all the NASCAR race broadcasts, I see.
I had to watch the show on tape delay, as we don't get ESPN Classic here, but, I swear I synched reading the live blog replay with the real time on the show, even though I was tempted to read ahead. It was more fun pretending I was live.
Keep up the great work.


Oh, I forgot one thing. The voiceover? That was that Garmin navigation thingy.


John, Jim - thanks for the comments. It was fun for me as well. I am disappointed because I had alot of content left - including links to many NASCAR blogs - still to use. It was pretty busy running the thing but it did make the show go by fast.

So, the Garmin Navigation girl huh? That didn't register with me. They might have been a little too subtle for their own good. Hard to imagine anything with NASCAR being subtle though.


Maybe I won't get a Garmin GPS if thats the voice I'd have to listen to. The live commentary did, indeed, make the show more interesting and move along faster. Once the tech problem popped up, the show started to suck like usual. Our only entertainment here was betting on the over/under on how many times baby Gordon was mentioned during the Gordo segment. The over/under was 6. The overs won.

Great job Charlie, on a good idea.

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