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November 22, 2007



Nice recap...now if ESPN would just axe EK from all vroom related tellycasts...


"Has there ever been a rule - in any sport - so universally reviled as the obsolete "Top thirty five" qualifying deal?"

Yes it is universally hated... however.

The Charlotte Observer did a study of various ways to fix the "problem" and the one most agreed upon... you guessed it.

Hurt those that a change was meant to help. (do a search of the That's Racin' site for "Top 35 Rule," it should pull up the page.)

"Craftsman Truck driver Aaron Fike's arrest for alleged heroin possession in the parking lot of an Ohio amusement park. Nuf' said."

Far from "alleged" now. He pled guilty a couple weeks ago for possession of heroin and paraphernalia but got no jail time.

He will do community service, and conduct some type of anti-drug thing at all the NASCAR Cup events in 2008 via a booth set-up at each track.


I think you hit the nail on the head here


Vroom, EK is unwatchable for me.

Marc, where do you suppose NASCAR will put that booth for Aaron? Probably not between the Home Depot Experience and the Toyota World mega displays, huh?

brian cantoni

I would add to your list one aspect of the ABC coverage: whenever the race ran a bit longer than the scheduled time slot (which seemed like every week), they would interview just the winner, then cut the broadcast.

Sometimes they put the post-race interviews on ESPN2 or ESPN News, but if you've recorded the race on Tivo, you're out of luck.

I'd gladly drop an hour of the pre-race coverage for a decent set of post-race driver interviews.


Brian I agree with you totally. That is all part of the problem with the ABC/ESPN coverage. Somehow in the last ten years or so, the network that brought NASCAR in particular and auto racing in general to the masses via shows like RPM Tonight, lost their racing Mojo. There cannot be a racing fan, in the employ of the network, watching these broadcasts. It's such a waste.

Thanks for the comment.

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