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December 04, 2007


robert bourne

hey I remeber that movie...showing my age here I know...I think your right..the word friends is thrown about quite loosely...there is usually respect but I'm not sure the friends thing really exists....


There's one aspect you didn't note.

Race drivers are competitors but true frindship is seldom seen as it is in other sports and the general population.

A race driver can be there one day and "gone" the next due to a horrific accident.

Thankfully that's not seen much in NASCAR, and many other forms of racing due to safety advances but the threat is still there abd it has to temper the closness of some off-track racing relationships.


Marc, I realize that unique aspect of drivers. In fact, the book starts with the 1961 F1 season - a season of less than ten races and six driver fatalities. Two more died the next year in only seven races. The sixties were a bloodbath. But Hill - and other drivers of that era, don't blame the danger for the absense of bonding - they point to competitiveness. The level of competitiveness has not diminished, while that of danger certainly has.

Thanks for commenting guys.

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